3 Reasons Lotus Notes Administrators Need a Mail Management System
Eugen Tarnow December 8 2011 02:19:16 PM
Are you currently doing it all when it comes to Lotus Mail administration?You don’t have to.
Here are three reasons you need a mail management system:
1. To save money. That’s right, proper mail management means big cost savings for your company. From reducing unnecessarily high storage costs to reducing the compliance costs for regulatory and internal audits, proper management means big savings.
2. To save time. Think of all the time employees loose archiving emails and making sure they aren’t going over their mail quotas.
3. To save your sanity. ReduceMail Pro’s email management means getting less of those frantic and frustrated Help Desk calls when employees don’t know how to archive their mail – or just don’t want to.
Still undecided? Try ReduceMail Pro's ROI Calculator to find out how much you could be saving.
We would welcome the chance to discuss our innovate enterprise solutions with you by phone at 1-877-210-6002 or by email at anna@avabiz.com.
Evaluate ReduceMail Pro with a free trial.
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