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Eugen Tarnow


Five Trends to Watch in 2012: The Future of Email and Lotus Notes Mail Management

Anna Sandler  December 22 2011 08:19:00 AM
Here are five trends in email usage and Lotus Notes mail management we think we'll be seeing in 2012:

1. iPad use will increase greatly. And, as the use of iPads for viewing email and other documents grows, customers will expect a simplified Lotus Notes client.

2. Lotus Notes will stop losing market share. With increased interest from IBM in not just reviving but expanding Lotus Notes, this will be the year that Lotus Notes reclaims its place as an exceptional email management tool. With Jeff Schick at the head of Lotus Notes we will see more quality improvements and client simplification.

3. Lotus Notes will be recognized as the most secure email option. As cyber attacks grow on Gmail and Microsoft Exchange, and email security becomes a larger concern in general, Lotus Notes will start to emerge as the most secure email option. (Here are a few additional tips to avoid company information being compromised via email.)

4. Email e-Discovery guidelines will change. As the use of email continues to skyrocket, traditional e-Discovery guidelines will no longer be a viable solution for many litigation cases.

5. Companies will need a formal email retention policy. To keep up with the changing rules and regulations around email, and to minimize eDiscovery costs, it will be necessary to have a formal email retention policy outlining which emails are archived, and which are removed.

What do you think the big technology trends will be in 2012?

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