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Eugen Tarnow


How to Get Everyone to Agree on Lotus Notes Mail Management Needs

Anna Sandler  December 14 2011 01:30:04 PM
In any organization, there’s usually agreement that there needs to be a comprehensive enterprise solution to Lotus Notes mail management.

But that’s usually where the agreement ends.

Getting the varied functional areas of Corporate, HR, Legal and IT to agree on what exactly this Lotus Notes mail management system should be is usually much more difficult.

Why is this?

Often, there is a disconnect between what one department believes to be true, and what is actually true. For example, the Legal Department might think that they are ready for all e-Discovery requests that could come their way – but the IT Department might know that in reality, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to access all the requested emails. And, even if the email could be produced it could have altered date or meta tag information attributed to it. And last, even producing this altered email would be the result of a long and difficult process of recovery.

So how can departments work together to make sure they have a Lotus Notes mail management system that works for the whole company?

First, make sure that the IT Department knows what Legal, HR and Corporate need them to be able to do – from searching emails easily, to having a robust storage and archiving system.

Second, discuss what other digital information needs to be saved. Calendar items, to do lists and contacts can also be required during e-Discovery requests.

And last, have a process for ongoing analysis and revision of company policies regarding email storage and e-Discovery readiness. Just because IT, HR, Legal and Corporate agreed today, doesn’t mean they will next year, or even next week.

Make sure to keep the dialogue going, so there are no internal surprises when your organization gets an e-Discovery request.

To learn more about Lotus Notes mail management and how to be ready for e-Discovery, read E-Discovery: A Basic Guide for IT and E-Discovery: A Lawyer’s Guide

And if you’re ready to take control of your Lotus Notes mail  management, contact us at to learn more about ReduceMail Pro’s  enterprise e-Discovery solution.

Evaluate ReduceMail Pro with a free trial.
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