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Eugen Tarnow


Midwest Lotus User Group in Session

Eugen Tarnow  August 16 2012 12:58:23 PM
The Midwest LUG started meeting this morning with presentations about Connections and other Lotus related topics.  It is taking place in Pittsburgh, which is a great-looking town.  It is very affordable as well.  The hotel is inexpensive and its architecture confers a sense of old-fashioned luxury.  The web address of the LUG is  

The LUG administration has treated us vendors like preferred customers!  We appreciate that!

In the keynote sessions there is some controversy as to the usefulness of social media.  But we are told to give it five years and things will never be the same.  Who knows?

Anybody who wants to take a look at ReduceMail Pro, the preferred mail management system, - come to MWLUG today and tomorrow!
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