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Eugen Tarnow


    What can one do with a Domino Messaging Server license?

    Eugen Tarnow  June 13 2012 01:58:55 PM
    I had a customer ask whether ReduceMail Pro mail management software would be allowed under a Domino Messaging Server license.  This question turns out to be harder to answer than I expected.

    Here is the simplified URL for the messaging server license - it says nothing about third-party mail management software:

    It also says nothing about third-party anti-virus or anti-spam software which presumably would be allowed in a messaging server license!

    I then looked at the more complex "program license agreement":

    Here it suggests that nothing is allowed: "Any applications not shipped with the Program" but that probably refers to IBM software.

    Both documents seem very short.  I would have expected the license agreement to be about 100 pages.

    So I don't have an answer for my client.  Does anybody know of an IBM licensing expert?

    1Paul Mooney  6/14/2012 3:59:55 AM  What can one do with a Domino Messaging Server license?

    Ed Brill did quite a bit of work on shortening the licenses as there were many complaints about the levels of confusion and complexity of the agreement.

    Why not ask him?

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