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Eugen Tarnow


I hear AdminDev2012 attendance was low

Eugen Tarnow  June 4 2012 05:26:31 AM
We used to go to the Admin conference when it was held in Boston.  One could count on 600-900 Lotus Notes administrators showing up.  This year I hear that the attendance at the combined Admin / Development conference was about 100.  Out of those only about 20 were administrators.

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1Paul Mooney  6/5/2012 7:34:40 AM  I hear AdminDev2012 attendance was a disaster

Eugen - you seem to be slipping into your old way of writing blog posts. Maybe you should consider the good people that work arranging that conference twice a year before writing it was a disaster.

2Shamus  6/7/2012 2:10:56 PM  I hear AdminDev2012 attendance was low

I didn't get the impression he was pointing out the conference was bad, just poorly attended. It's been happening to all the Notes/Domino conferences, not just this one.

3Paul Mooney  7/17/2012 11:05:14 AM  I hear AdminDev2012 attendance was low

Shamus, it's all about the ASW titles. Eugen has fixed it now.

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